XCode Project Scripting Reference!
This section of the documentation contains details of the scripting API provided by a plugin. To use this information, you should be familiar with the basic theory and practice of scripting in Unity.
The scripting reference is organized according to the classes available to scripts which are described along with their methods, properties and any other information relevant to their use.
API are grouped by namespaces they belong to, and can be selected from the sidebar to the left.
The purpose of this template is to give you a head start when creating a new package for Unity. You'll find the repository structure description below as well as why it was built this way. I assume you already have some basic understanding of what the UPM package is and why you would like to build one. If not, please check out Creating custom packages
Quick links to explore the library:
- Utilities. The collection of various utility methods.
- Editor Utilities.The collection of utility methods for the Unity Editor.
- Extensions. Extension methods for default C# and Unity Objects.
- Patterns. Implementation of well-known design patterns like Singleton, Factory, Pool, etc.
- UI Toolkit. Helper methods, extensions, utilities for the new Unity UI Toolkit framework.