Namespace SA.iOS.UserNotifications
Constants for requesting authorization to interact with the user.
The geographic location that the user must reach to enable the delivery of a local notification.
The data for a delivered notification.
A ISN_UNNotification object represents a local or remote notification that has been delivered to your app. A notification object consists of the initial notification request and the date on which the notification was delivered. The notification request includes the content of the notification and the trigger condition that caused it to be delivered.
You do not create instances of this class directly. Instead, the ISN_UNUserNotificationCenter object maintains the list of notification objects whose contents have been delivered to the user. Use the GetDeliveredNotifications(Action<List<ISN_UNNotification>>) method to retrieve those notification objects.
A task to perform in response to a delivered notification.
The content of a local or remote notification.
An object you use to specify a notification’s content and the condition that triggers its delivery.
The user’s response to an actionable notification.
When the user interacts with a delivered notification, the system delivers a ISN_UNNotificationResponse object to your app so that you can process the response. Users can interact with delivered notifications in many ways. If the notification’s category had associated action buttons, they can select one of those buttons. Users can also dismiss the notification without selecting one of your actions and they can open your app. A response object tells you which option that the user selected.
You do not create instances of this class yourself. Instead, the notification center object creates instances and delivers them to the ISN_UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate. You use that method to extract any needed information from the response objects and take appropriate actions. For more information about, see the ISN_UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate.
The object for managing notification-related settings and the authorization status of your app
A sound to be played when a notification is delivered.
The common behavior for subclasses that trigger the delivery of a notification.
An object that indicates that a notification was sent from the Apple Push Notification Service.
A ISN_UNPushNotificationTrigger object is assigned to notifications sent by the Apple Push Notification service. You do not create instances of this class directly; the system creates them for you. You encounter instances of this class when managing your app’s delivered notifications. A notification request associated with a remote notification has an instance of this class in its Trigger property.
The time that must expire before the delivery of a local notification.
The central object for managing notification-related activities for your app or app extension.
The interface for handling notification-related interactions in your app or app extension.
The ISN_UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate defines events for responding to actionable notifications and receiving notifications while your app is in the foreground. The user notification center calls methods of this delegate at appropriate times to deliver information.
You must subscribe to this object events as soon as possible. However, delegate may already receive action while app was launching. For example if user has launched the app by clicking on notifications. You may check LastReceivedResponse to find out of app was launched using the notification. If Property is null after your app is launched it means that application was launched without interaction with the notification object.
Constants indicating the types of alerts that can be displayed to the user.
Constants indicating whether the app is allowed to schedule notifications.
Constants indicating the current status of a notification setting.
Supported local notification trigger types.
Constants indicating the types of alerts that can be displayed to the user.