Namespace SA.iOS.StoreKit
App Store receipt.
A mutable request to the App Store to process payment for additional functionality offered by your app.
A mutable payment object identifies a product and the quantity of that item the user would like to purchase.
When a mutable payment is added to the payment queue, the payment queue copies the contents into an immutable request before queueing the request. Your app can safely change the contents of the mutable payment object.
A request to the App Store to process payment for additional functionality offered by your app.
A payment object identifies a product and the quantity of those items the user would like to purchase.
The signed discount applied to a payment.
A payment transaction is created whenever a payment is added to the payment queue. Transactions are delivered to your app when the App Store has finished processing the payment. Completed transactions provide a receipt and transaction identifier that your app can use to save a permanent record of the processed payment.
A queue of payment transactions to be processed by the App Store.
The payment queue communicates with the App Store and presents a user interface so that the user can authorize payment. The contents of the queue are persistent between launches of your app.
Information about a product previously registered in App Store Connect.
The details of a discount offer for a subscription product.
An object that can retrieve localized information from the App Store about a specified list of products.
An App Store response to a request for information about a list of products.
An object containing the subscription period duration information.
ISN_SKReceiptRefreshRequest properties dictionary
A request to refresh the receipt, which represents the user's transactions with your app.
Use this API to request a new receipt if the receipt is invalid or missing. In the sandbox environment, you can request a receipt with any combination of properties to test the state transitions related to Volume Purchase Plan receipts.
An abstract class that represents a request to the App Store.
An object containing the location and unique identifier of an Apple App Store storefront. SKStorefront exposes storefront information as a read-only property in ISN_SKPaymentQueue.
In-app products you create through App Store Connect are available for sale in every region with an App Store. You can use the storefront information to determine the customer's region, and offer in-app products suitable for that region. You must maintain your own list of product identifiers and the storefronts in which you want to make them available.
Note Do not save the storefront information with your user information; it can change at any time. Always get the storefront identifier immediately prior to displaying product information or availability to the user in your app. Storefront information may not be used to develop or enhance a user profile, or track customers for advertising or marketing purposes.
Controls the process of requesting App Store ratings and reviews from users.
A payment transaction is created whenever a payment is added to the payment queue. Transactions are delivered to your app when the App Store has finished processing the payment. Completed transactions provide a receipt and transaction identifier that your app can use to save a permanent record of the processed payment.
A set of methods that process transactions, unlock purchased functionality, and continue promoted in-app purchases.
Values representing the payment modes for a product discount.
Values representing the state of a transaction.
Values representing the types of discount offers an app can present.
Values representing the duration of an interval, from a day up to a year.
Product Type options.
States that a receipt can be in, related to the Volume Purchase Plan.
Possible Transaction error codes.